2025年1月3日– date –
日本製鉄の「提案」に懸念表明 米鉄鋼労組、大手買収巡り
【ニューヨーク共同】全米鉄鋼労働組合(USW)は2日、日本製鉄が米鉄鋼大手USスチールの買収後、10年間にわたり同社の生産能力を削減しないなどと米政府に提案したと伝えられたことに対し、改めて懸念を示す声明を公開した。...more -
【箱根駅伝】青学大6区野村昭夢が初の56分台の驚異的な区間新記録 2年連続総合Vに弾み
2年連続8度目の優勝を狙う青山学院大(青学大)の野村昭夢(4年)が、6区(20・8キロ)で初の56分台となる56分47秒の驚異的な区間新記録をマークした。20年大会で舘澤享次(東海大)が出した57分17秒の歴代最高タイムを30秒上回った。昨年も6区を走り、58... -
What we know about the victims of the New Orleans attack: ‘So beautiful and full of life’
A young mother teaching her son to read. A former college football player "on top of the world" living in New York City. An 18-year-old aspiring nurse. A father of two remembered as the "life of the party."...more -
Prosecutors say 150 pipe bombs found at Virginia man’s home in what could be FBI’s largest-ever seizure of explosive devices
Prosecutors are fighting to keep a Virginia man behind bars after they say investigators found what could be the largest number of “finished explosive devices” in FBI history at his 20-acre home near Norfolk...more -
Apple agrees to settle a 2019 Siri privacy lawsuit for $95 million
Apple has moved to settle a five-year-old class action lawsuit over Siri privacy. Reuters reports that the proposed settlement was filed on Tuesday in Oakland, CA. The company agreed to pay $95 million to class members, estimated to be t...