2025年1月– date –
日本製鉄の「提案」に懸念表明 米鉄鋼労組、大手買収巡り
【ニューヨーク共同】全米鉄鋼労働組合(USW)は2日、日本製鉄が米鉄鋼大手USスチールの買収後、10年間にわたり同社の生産能力を削減しないなどと米政府に提案したと伝えられたことに対し、改めて懸念を示す声明を公開した。...more -
【箱根駅伝】青学大6区野村昭夢が初の56分台の驚異的な区間新記録 2年連続総合Vに弾み
2年連続8度目の優勝を狙う青山学院大(青学大)の野村昭夢(4年)が、6区(20・8キロ)で初の56分台となる56分47秒の驚異的な区間新記録をマークした。20年大会で舘澤享次(東海大)が出した57分17秒の歴代最高タイムを30秒上回った。昨年も6区を走り、58... -
What we know about the victims of the New Orleans attack: ‘So beautiful and full of life’
A young mother teaching her son to read. A former college football player "on top of the world" living in New York City. An 18-year-old aspiring nurse. A father of two remembered as the "life of the party."...more -
Prosecutors say 150 pipe bombs found at Virginia man’s home in what could be FBI’s largest-ever seizure of explosive devices
Prosecutors are fighting to keep a Virginia man behind bars after they say investigators found what could be the largest number of “finished explosive devices” in FBI history at his 20-acre home near Norfolk...more -
Apple agrees to settle a 2019 Siri privacy lawsuit for $95 million
Apple has moved to settle a five-year-old class action lawsuit over Siri privacy. Reuters reports that the proposed settlement was filed on Tuesday in Oakland, CA. The company agreed to pay $95 million to class members, estimated to be t... -
【何が…】斎藤知事をめぐるパワハラ疑惑、公益通報、不信任、SNS選挙と再選…激動の兵庫県政の裏側 「公選法違反」「百条委員会」「情報流出疑惑」2025年も続く余波
兵庫県の元幹部職員による“パワハラ”や“物品受領”などの疑惑の告発から約9か月―。斎藤元彦知事にとって、兵庫県にとって、2024年はまさに激動の1年となった。...more -
21チーム(関東学生連合はオープン参加)が出場する第101回大会の往路が、東京・大手町~神奈川・箱根町の5区間107・5キロで行われている。...more -
賈永婕緊急取消6000發101煙火 「如果被罵我也認了」
台北101今(1╱1)凌晨零點施放主題為「Team Taiwan Champion」的跨年煙火獲好評,連美國搖滾天團「聯合公園」(Linkin Park)團員喬瑟夫韓(Joe Hahn)都轉發,今午台北101董事長賈永婕透露:「其實今年煙火本來應該更美的!」並揭露3天前臨時取消6000發煙... -
內地郵輪「鼓浪嶼號」將以香港作母港 政府料一年吸引8萬旅客
郵輪旅遊發展是《香港旅遊業發展藍圖2.0》重點之一,內地郵輪「鼓浪嶼號」疫情後重返香港,4月起的未來一年並會以香港作為母港,提供日本及越南等一程多站的國際航線。...more -
Tesla Cybertruck explodes outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas: 1 dead, 7 injured
LAS VEGAS — One person is dead and seven others were hurt after a Tesla Cybertruck caught fire and exploded near the covered entrance of Trump International Hotel Las Vegas Wednesday morning...more -
Driver rams New Year’s revelers in New Orleans, killing 15; FBI doesn’t believe he acted alone
Emergency service vehicles form a security barrier to keep other vehicles out of the French Quarter after a vehicle drove into a crowd on New Orleans' Canal and Bourbon Street, Wednesday Jan. 1, 2025. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)...more -
$70M Lotto Max winner has a heartwarming gesture in mind for his late wife: ‘A bittersweet moment for me’
A man from Beaverlodge, Alta. has decided to dedicate his recent lottery win to his late wife...more -
世界の自動車市場で内燃機関車と電気自動車(EV)の長所を両方兼ね備えたハイブリッド車の販売台数が急速に伸びている。これを受け、過去数年、EVではなくハイブリッド車の開発に力を入れてきた業界最大手のトヨタは、業績の改善が目立つ。現代自動車も... -
[31日 ロイター] - 日本製鉄は、米鉄鋼大手USスチール買収計画の承認取得に向け、USスチールの生産能力を削減する場合に米政府が拒否権を持つことを提案した。関係筋が明らかにした。...more -
New Year’s act that will divide Australia
Revellers flocked to one of Sydney’s most iconic beaches to catch the first sunrise of 2025 - and while in years past they might have been equipped with a bacon and egg roll or an energy drink, this year things were very different...more -
La Grande soirée du 31 de Paris
Spectacle garanti ce soir sur France 2 ! Pour célébrer le passage à la nouvelle année, la chaîne du service public diffuse "La Grande soirée du 31 de Paris" en direct depuis les Champs-Élysées. Stéphane Bern orchestre cette soi... -
Democrats and Republicans are already looking to 2028 — here’s who’s in the running
As the nation gears up for a second Donald Trump presidency, the battle for 2028 has already begun...more -
FBI: Largest homemade explosives cache in agency history found in Virginia
The FBI arrested a Virginia man it says had the largest stockpile of explosives recovered in the agency’s history...more