- 日本製鉄の「提案」に懸念表明 米鉄鋼労組、大手買収巡り
- 【箱根駅伝】青学大6区野村昭夢が初の56分台の驚異的な区間新記録 2年連続総合Vに弾み
- What we know about the victims of the New Orleans attack: ‘So beautiful and full of life’
- Prosecutors say 150 pipe bombs found at Virginia man’s home in what could be FBI’s largest-ever seizure of explosive devices
- Apple agrees to settle a 2019 Siri privacy lawsuit for $95 million
- 【何が…】斎藤知事をめぐるパワハラ疑惑、公益通報、不信任、SNS選挙と再選…激動の兵庫県政の裏側 「公選法違反」「百条委員会」「情報流出疑惑」2025年も続く余波
- 【箱根駅伝2区】“史上最速”東京国際大・エティーリが区間新!1時間5分31秒に「うれしい」と満面笑み
- 賈永婕緊急取消6000發101煙火 「如果被罵我也認了」
- 內地郵輪「鼓浪嶼號」將以香港作母港 政府料一年吸引8萬旅客
- Tesla Cybertruck explodes outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas: 1 dead, 7 injured
- Driver rams New Year’s revelers in New Orleans, killing 15; FBI doesn’t believe he acted alone
- $70M Lotto Max winner has a heartwarming gesture in mind for his late wife: ‘A bittersweet moment for me’
- トヨタの「EV限界説」は正しかった…ハイブリッド車、韓米市場でシェア急伸
- USスチール生産能力削減に米政府の拒否権、日鉄が提案=関係筋
- New Year’s act that will divide Australia
- La Grande soirée du 31 de Paris
- Democrats and Republicans are already looking to 2028 — here’s who’s in the running
- FBI: Largest homemade explosives cache in agency history found in Virginia

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